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Reduce Your Paw Print

Northwest’s Commitment

Northwest recognizes its responsibility to educate students to understand the interdependencies between environmental, 社会, and economic forces. The University will economize without compromising its ability to change and adapt to future challenges. As a leader in the community, 地区, 和国家, we are obligated to operate in an economically, 社会, and environmentally responsible way, taking every opportunity to innovate and educate.

What is Sustainability?

The EPA defines Sustainability as the satisfaction of basic economic, 社会, and security needs now and in the future without undermining the natural resource base and environmental quality on which life depends.

The Sustainability Office

Established in 2011 to support Northwest’s sustainability efforts, from Energy Conservation and Alternative Fuels to 回收 and Waste Management. As part of Northwest Facility Services, we work to encourage and facilitate sustainability programs initiated by students, 教师, and staff; while assisting in the acquisition of the resources required for supplementing, 扩大, or replacing existing programs.

Annual 回收

1.6M  lbs of cardboard
300K  lbs of paper
200K  lbs of food waste compost
100K  lbs of plastic

See more of Northwest's 影响s

Campus Race To Zero Waste

Northwest participates in the annual Campus Race to Zero Waste, a competition that encourages colleges and universities to advance campus recycling and waste reduction efforts. During the eight-week challenge, campuses report data on recycling, food waste diverted from the landfill, and trash hauled to the landfill.


Campus Race To Zero Waste

Students encouraged to reduce waste, help community during annual Big Green Move Out

As the academic year comes to an end and students move away for the summer, Northwest and the Maryville community partner to encourage students to "think green" during the annual Big Green Move Out before trashing belongings.

Big Green Move out info

Students encouraged to reduce waste, help community during annual Big Green Move Out

Transformation of Pellet Plant to 回收 Center

A Northwest decision to restructure the way it collects recyclable materials is helping the University educate local residents about its recycling efforts while gaining efficiencies within its sustainability operations.

Read the recycling center Story

Transformation of Pellet Plant to 回收 Center

Personal Carbon Calculator

What's your carbon footprint? Use this interactive calculator to find out - and take action.

Carbon Calculator

Personal Carbon Calculator


Facility Services Building

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